Some of my faves to work with.
- The Singing Bois: The Bay Area’s favorite genderqueer quartet is touring A Queerstory of the Boy Band in 2018-2019 & they have a new EP available. We collaborated with bandleader T. Carlis Roberts on Man2man in 2015-2016 and on two songs in Octavia of Earth (“Devil Girl from Mars” and “Patterns”).
- Design Action Collective is a a diverse, worker-owned, union, multilingual, 11-person shop that is majority people of color, women, and trans folks. They provide high-quality professional graphic design and web development services to movements for social and economic justice.
- StoryCenter, founded in 1993, has helped over 20,000 people share their stories through hands-on digital storytelling workshops. We partner with StoryCenter and Positively Trans to help trans people living with HIV tell their own stories (full disclosure – Anand is also on their board of directors).
- information ecology is a technology capacity-building consultancy serving progressive organizations. They bring together social justice values and technical chops and are a hell of a lot of fun to nerd out with.